Are Companies Moving Away From Paid Search? What Does That Mean For SEO?

Are Companies Moving Away From Paid Search? What Does That Mean For SEO? In an interview with Kevin Frisch, who was recently the CMO of Wag and before that the head of performance marketing, and CRM for Uber, he describes how Uber was swindled out of $100 Million in ad expenses by “performance marketing” companies. […]

Sioux Falls Businesses For Sale 12/01/2020

Sioux Falls Businesses For Sale 12/01/2020 Sioux Falls Businesses for Sale Have you ever wanted to own your own business? Here are a couple of the businesses currently for sale in the Sioux Falls Area. B2B Wholesale Distribution – Sioux Falls, SD Asking Price: $300,000 Listing: Here   Tire store Asking Price: $430,000 Listing: Here […]

Can We All Take a Moment to Thank the Postal Workers?

Can We All Take a Moment to Thank the Postal Workers? This year 90m+ voters had received mail-in ballots, with 60m returning their votes before Election Day. This  New York Times  highlighted the hard work these men and women put in to make our democracy work.  The USPS employs more than 500,000 Americans. In a year with a […]

2020 Election Results By The Numbers

2020 Election Results By The Numbers **Lincoln County does not have their results posted yet. Election Summary Report2020 General ElectionNovember 3, 2020UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Minnehaha County South DakotaSTATISTICSTOTAL71 of 71Election Day Precincts Reporting71 of 71Precincts Complete0 of 71Precincts Partially Reported71 of 71Absentee/ Early Precincts ReportingRegistered Voters – Total125,53693,425Ballots Cast – Total21Ballots Cast – BlankVoter Turnout – Total74.42% […]

You can host workout classes now with Zoom

You can host workout classes now with Zoom Zoom has a new product feature. It is now allowing you to host paid events such as workout classes.  The new platform will be called OnZoom and will allow you to sell tickets using paypal integration.  You will have to be a paid Zoom user to set […]

The US is Putting 4G on the Moon

The US is Putting 4G on the Moon Have you ever been on the moon and thought to yourself, “I wish I could download these cat videos faster”? No? Us either.  That is not stopping NASA from putting 4G internet on the moon. Nokia just won the $14.1 Million dollar contract to put the cellular […]

Cheyenne, WY is America’s New Crypto Hub

Cheyenne, WY is America’s New Crypto Hub The digital exchange Kraken was granted approval to become the first Crypto-Bank or Special Purpose Depository Institution, (SPDI) and it will begin operating in Cheyenne, WY.  Why does the San Francisco based company need a State and Federal banking charter in Wyoming? Because over the past few years […]

Will Opendoor be in Sioux Falls any time soon?

Will Opendoor be in Sioux Falls Any Time Soon? Opendoor allows you to “Sell your home from the comfort of your couch” Earlier this month it announced it will be going public. The company aims to capitalize on the $1.6 Trillion consumer real estate market. Currently they are in 21 Markets and have $5 Billion […]

Sioux Falls Businesses for sale 9/22/2020

Sioux Falls Businesses for Sale 9/22/2020 Have you ever wanted to own your own business? Here are a couple of the businesses currently for sale in the Sioux Falls Area. B2B Wholesale Distribution – Sioux Falls, SD Asking Price: $300,000 Listing: Here Sioux Falls Sleep Shop – Thriving. Easy to Run Asking Price: $55,000 Listing: […]