Why Some Companies are Regretting Using Slack

OneZero recently published a article where it stated a Silicon Valley CEO who seemed ready to get rid of Slack said “It’s one of my biggest regrets,” 

So why are companies regretting using Slack? Well, people are being mean to each other. “They create problems, high-school-type problems,” one CEO of a midsized firm stated. “People are making fun of co-workers, they’re acting unprofessionally, and it’s technically a company system.”

Bullying in the workplace is not a new issue but for some reason, when you put a computer screen in front of employees they feel emboldened to be mean. We recommended using Slack in our very first Newsletter, but you should use with caution. Company culture is important and Management needs to set an example and expectations. 

The photo on the left shows different emoji’s and the real “meaning” behind them.

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