Help your Business by Offering Online Gift Cards

Yesterday I asked the question on the Sioux Falls Young Professional Facebook page if anyone knew a Salon or Spa who sold online gift cards. I wanted to buy someone a gift and wanted to keep it local without leaving the house.

I was expecting to get overwhelmed with recommendations, but I was surprised to only get one response. The link that I was directed to was useful but there was no link to the page on the main site and I had to sign up for an account to purchase the gift card.

Having a gift card your customers can purchase online is great! It gives you revenue now and you get to provide the inventory/services later. Some people who purchase the gift card don’t even use it. In 2015 $970 Million in gift cards went unused. 

If you are looking to set up an online gift card check out, They are offering 0% fees during the pandemic. 

If you do not know how to set this up or simply want someone to integrate it with your current website, let us know and we would be happy to set it up for you.

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